Restaurants Links to All Reports from Kalinowski Equity Research in Feb 2019

By Mark Kalinowski Published on March 1, 2019 at 12:00 AM

This report lists and provides links to all reports published by Kalinowski Equity Research in February 2019. During February 2019, our firm published 23 reports (13 industry reports and 10 company reports).

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The BlackBox Index for January 2019 is…

By Mark Kalinowski Published on February 7, 2019 at 12:00 AM

Earlier today (Thursday, February 7th), we learned that the BlackBox Index of samestore sales for January 2019 was +2.0%, with same-store traffic down by -0.7%. The +2.0% showing for January 2019 matches the +2.0% number from December 2018, which had been the best monthly number since August 2015. The January 2019 showing is particularly welcome given that mid-to-late January was likely negatively impacted by the recent so-called “Polar Vortex.”

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Restaurants Links to All Reports from Kalinowski Equity Research in Jan 2019

By Mark Kalinowski Published on February 1, 2019 at 12:00 AM

This report lists and provides links to all reports published by Kalinowski Equity Research in January 2019. During January 2019, our firm published 32 reports (14 industry reports and 18 company reports). This sets a new monthly record for Kalinowski Equity Research, eclipsing our previous monthly record of 28 reports from August 2018.

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