Updating our Q1E Kalinowski Quick-Service Burger Same-Store Sales Index

By Ryan D. Lavender Published on April 5, 2021 at 4:04 PM

With this report, we update our data-driven Kalinowski Quick-Service Burger Index for Q1E to +10.9%. This +10.9% figure reflects implicit monthly numbers of about +10% for January 2021 (helped by consumer spending driven by stimulus), +2% for February 2021 (reflecting a dwindling of the prior month’s stimulus benefits, and coupled with bad weather across a good chunk of the U.S. in mid-to-late February), and +30% for March (helped by more stimulus-related consumer spending, plus easy year-over-year comparisons being lapped from mid-to-late March 2020).

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DIN (Post-Call): Applebee’s Disappoints, But Multiple Silver Linings Emerge

By Ryan D. Lavender Published on March 2, 2021 at 5:45 PM

Earlier today, Dine Brands reported Q4 2020 adjusted EPS of $0.39, falling short of our recently-reduced $0.85 forecast and sell-side consensus (according to Consensus Metrix) of $0.67.

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DPZ (Post-Call): Tougher Year-on-Year Comparisons Getting Closer

By Ryan D. Lavender Published on February 25, 2021 at 5:53 PM

Earlier today, Domino’s reported Q4 EPS of $3.85, above our $3.50 projection, but a little short of sell-side consensus of $3.88 (according to Consensus Metrix). The $3.85 figure includes a +39 cent boost from 2020’s extra, 53rd accounting week. The next 53-week fiscal year for Domino’s will be 2026.

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