PZZA Updating Introducing EPS Estimates Portugal Papa Slam Promos etc

By Mark Kalinowski Published on September 19, 2019 at 12:00 AM

With this report, we introduce our quarterly EPS estimates for 2020E for Papa John’s (PZZA; Buy). They are as follows: (1) Q1E $0.42, (2) Q2E $0.40, (3) Q3E $0.31, and (4) Q4E $0.42. These quarterlies sum to our (unchanged) full-year 2020E EPS estimate of $1.55.

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DIN Updated EPS Estimates Lead to Ratings Change on Dine Brands

By Mark Kalinowski Published on June 28, 2019 at 12:00 AM

Based on what we believe is our newly-improved quarter-by-quarter understanding of the Dine Brands (DIN) model, and in the context of the stock’s +40.1% year-todate rise through the market’s close on June 27th, we reduce our rating on DIN to Neutral (from Buy), and adjust our quarterly EPS estimates for Q2E-Q4E as follows:

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Restaurants The Set-Up into the Print re CAKE, WEN, DIN, DPZ, and PZZA

By Mark Kalinowski Published on February 14, 2019 at 12:00 AM

A number of restaurant companies are scheduled to report quarterly earnings over the February 20-26 time frame, including The Cheesecake Factory (CAKE; Neutral), Wendy’s (WEN; Neutral), Dine Brands (DIN; Buy), Domino’s (DPZ; Buy), and Papa John’s (PZZA; Neutral). In this report, we look at the set-up into the print for each of these five companies:

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