Updating our Q4E Kalinowski Quick-Service Burger Same-Store Sales Index

By Mark Kalinowski Published on January 7, 2021 at 12:00 AM

With this report, we update our data-driven Kalinowski Quick-Service Burger Index for Q4E to +4.5%. This figure is based on our latest proprietary checks/data as regards same-store sales performance for this segment during October, November, and December. While we believe that sector same-store sales were fairly similar in each of these three months, it appears that November was the best of the three, and December the worst of the three, although all three ended up in the positive midsingle digits.

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DENN Adjusting Our Q4E Forecasts

By Mark Kalinowski Published on January 4, 2021 at 12:00 AM

Given greater-than-expected deceleration in same-store sales trends for the U.S. family dining sector during December, we reduce our Q4E Denny’s U.S. same-store sales projection by -400 basis points, to -32.0%. According to Consensus Metrix data, this places us as the low estimate on the sell-side in this regard. As of this writing, sell-side consensus is at -23.9%.

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MCD Updating Our Forecasts

By Mark Kalinowski Published on December 21, 2020 at 12:00 AM

With this report, we lower our Q4E 2020 EPS estimate for McDonald’s by -24 cents, to $1.72. Our change reflects two factors: (1) reductions in our Q4E samestore sales forecasts for both the International Operated Markets and International Developmental Licensed Markets business segments, and (2) what we believe is an improved understanding of G&A expenses slated for Q4 (leading us to bump up our Q4E G&A projection to about $755 million.

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