Updating our Q2E19 Kalinowski Fast-Casual Same-Store Sales Index

By Mark Kalinowski Published on May 23, 2019 at 12:00 AM

With this report, we increase our data-driven Kalinowski Fast-Casual Index for Q2E by +100 basis points, to +5.4%. This figure is based on our latest proprietary checks/ data as regards same-store sales performance for this segment during April 2019 and the first half of May 2019.

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Introducing our Q1E19 Kalinowski Fast-Casual Same-Store Sales Index

By Mark Kalinowski Published on March 13, 2019 at 12:00 AM

With this report, we introduce our data-driven Kalinowski Fast-Casual Index for Q1E at +4.6%. This figure is based on our latest proprietary checks/data as regards samestore sales performance for this segment during January 2019 and most of February 2019.

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Q3 2018 Same-Store Sales Ranked for 49 Public Restaurant Chains

By Mark Kalinowski Published on December 19, 2018 at 12:00 AM

With Darden Restaurants (DRI; Not Rated) recently reporting its fiscal Q2 2019 (calendar September-November 2018) results, we now have same-store sales results publicly reported from all 49 restaurant concepts for calendar Q3 (July-September) 2018 that comprise our Kalinowski Restaurant Industry Index. This report ranks all 49 concepts’ calendar Q3 2018 domestic same-store sales from best to worst.

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