Thursday September 21, 2023, 07:00:00

DPZ: Examining Currency Translation for Domino’s and its Quarterly EPS

By Mark Kalinowski

Earlier this month, we published reports in which we examined McDonald’s and Yum Brands, and the effect various currencies can have on those companies’ quarterly EPS/operating income. Those reports are available at:

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Sunday September 10, 2023, 10:00:00

DPZ: How Domino’s Investment in DPC Dash Could Affect its Q3 EPS

By Mark Kalinowski

In its second-quarter earnings release this past July 24th, Domino’s noted that for Q2 2023, its “increases in net income were partially offset by a $15.0 million pre-tax unrealized loss associated with the remeasurement of the Company’s investment in DPC Dash Ltd (‘DPC Dash’) which was recorded in other expense in the Company’s condensed consolidated statements of income…. the unrealized loss associated with the remeasurement of the Company’s investment in DPC Dash [was] $0.32” per share.

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Monday July 24, 2023, 09:46:17

DPZ (Post-Call): Q2 EPS Beat Looks Even Better Once Details are Examined

By Mark Kalinowski

Earlier today, Domino’s reported Q2 EPS of $3.08, above our $3.05 forecast and sell-side consensus (according to Consensus Metrix) of $3.07.

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