Monday December 3, 2018, 00:00:00

Updating our Q4E18 Kalinowski Family Dining Index

By Mark Kalinowski

With this report, we update our data-driven Kalinowski Family Dining Index for Q4E from +1.2% to +1.6%. This 40 basis-point increase is based on our latest proprietary checks/data as regards same-store sales performance so far for this segment during October and the first half of November.

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Sunday December 2, 2018, 00:00:00

Restaurants Links to All Reports from Kalinowski Equity Research in Nov 2018

By Mark Kalinowski

This report lists and provides links to all reports published by Kalinowski Equity Research in November 2018. During November 2018, our firm published 18 reports (10 industry reports and 8 company reports).

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Thursday November 29, 2018, 00:00:00

Updating our Q4E18 Kalinowski Fine Dining Same-Store Sales Index

By Mark Kalinowski

With this report, we update our data-driven Kalinowski Fine Dining Index for Q4E from +1.3% to +0.8%. This 50 basis-point decrease is based on our latest proprietary checks/data as regards same-store sales performance so far for this segment during October and the first half of November.

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