
All Reports:

Restaurant Industry
Mark Kalinowski

Updating our Q2 Kalinowski Family Dining Same-Store Sales Index (7/2/2024)

With this report, we update our data-driven Kalinowski Family Dining Index for Q2 to +0.1%. Comparing to Q2 2019 levels — a five-year (pre-pandemic) basis — the Kalinowski Family Dining Index for Q2 2024 is at -0.6%. This is the lowest such number of any major U.S. restaurant industry segment. Our latest numbers are based on our latest proprietary checks/data as regards same-store sales performance for this segment during April, May, and June.

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Dine Brands Global (DIN)
Mark Kalinowski

DIN: Adjusting Our Forecasts (7/2/2024)

This morning, we published an industry report entitled “Updating our Q2 Kalinowski Casual Dining Same-Store Sales Index.” We encourage you to read that report in conjunction with this Dine Brands note.

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Denny's Corporation (DENN)
Mark Kalinowski

DENN: Adjusting Our Estimates (7/2/2024)

This morning, we published an industry report entitled “Updating our Q2 Kalinowski Family Dining Same-Store Sales Index.” We encourage you to read that report in conjunction with this Denny’s note.

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Restaurant Industry
Mark Kalinowski

Updating our Q2 Kalinowski Quick-Service Pizza Same-Store Sales Index (7/1/2024)

With this report, we update our data-driven Kalinowski Quick-Service Pizza Index for Q2 to +2.1%. Comparing to Q2 2019 levels — a five-year (pre-pandemic) basis — the Kalinowski Quick-Service Pizza Index for Q2 2024 is at +19.1%. Our +2.1% figure is based on our latest proprietary checks/data as regards same-store sales performance for this segment during April, May, and June.

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Restaurant Industry
Mark Kalinowski

Updating our Q2 Kalinowski Quick-Service Other Same-Store Sales Index (6/25/2024)

With this report, we update our data-driven Kalinowski Quick-Service Other Index for Q2 to +3.0%. Comparing to Q2 2019 levels — a five-year (pre-pandemic) basis — the Kalinowski Quick-Service Other Index for Q1 2024 is at +27.6%. These numbers are based on our latest proprietary checks/data as regards same-store sales performance for this segment during April, May, and early-to-mid June.

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